The WinDat project workplan consists of five 'Work Packages', each managed by a Steering Committee member:

WP 1: Network management and web-site development
WP 2: Component and window product data, link with certification
WP 3: Calculation procedures, standardisation and RTD priorities
WP 4: Training and education
WP 5: Exploitation and dissemination

WP1: Network management and website development
Leader: TNO Bouw, Netherlands

To provide the basic conditions for networking between the members, including communication with the WP leaders and the members, the activities of the Steering Committee, the network secretariat (members administration, contracts administration, compilation of progress reports, cost statements, organisation of main meetings, etc.), the setting up and maintenance of the Web-site and the communications infrastructure of the network.

Description of work/tasks
General co-ordination: The networking includes communication with the WP leaders and the members, the activities of the Steering Committee, the network secretariat, the setting up and maintenance of the Web-site and the communications infrastructure of the network.

The first task is to make inventory and organise the participation of the members in the working packages and completing the trio-leaderships of the WP's.

Specific task: Development of Website. The Web-site will consist of 3 sections:
  • A public part, which will include information on the objectives and activities of the network and information on the WIS software package.
  • A project specific private section accessible by the Network members only.
  • This part will, for example, include working documents.
  • A part for the users of the software package.

Communication and information structure between the members. Website for dissemination of information to the world and for internal communication within the network and for the users of the software package.

WP2: Component and window product data, link with certification
Leader: National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece

The objective is to make a classification of different quality levels (classes) of data (e.g. generic, certified products, prototype test results, etc.) and to populate the software database with component properties of commercially available components.

Description of work/tasks
The following activities are planned:
  • To make a classification of different quality levels (classes) of data (e.g. generic, certified products, prototype test results, etc.).
  • To link to international certification schemes for thermal and solar properties of window components or windows which are available or under development (CEN, UEATC, EOTA).
  • To set up WEB based system of downloadable manufacturers data, either at the individual manufacturers and/or at the Network's Web-site.
  • To make the necessary software modifications to accommodate the downloading of data sets.
  • To stimulate the submission of appropriate and available sets of detailed properties of components from members and third parties.
  • To collect appropriate and available (non-confidential) sets of detailed properties of components data from research.
  • To make a link to data needed for window energy rating.
  • To seek collaboration with similar activities in other countries (e.g. USA).

Classification of data according to their quality and application range.
Structured database populated with component data (commercial and from research)

WP3: Calculation procedures, standardisation and RTD priorities
Leader: Technical University of Denmark

To assess the quality of the calculation procedures in the WIS software package, both with respect to the application of CEN standards and with respect to the use of results from recent international research activities. To identify the direction of new common RTD activities for the Network and to propose a strategy for implementation of specific activities.

Description of work/tasks
Inventory of existing CEN standards for calculating thermal, solar and visual properties of windows and window components (e.g. from CEN TC129: EN 410, EN 673; from CEN TC89: prEN 13363-2, prEN ISO 10077-1, prEN ISO 10077-2; from CEN TC33: TC33/WG1/TG6/N19rev6E, etc.).

Setting up benchmark tests to check whether the WIS software complies with the calculation procedures, in particular as laid down in CEN standards. These benchmark tests will also be available for third parties to check other software tools. The benchmark tests will comprise thermal calculations (U-value), optical calculations (solar and visual transmittance for combination of panes with real or simulated spectral properties) and combinations (e.g. total solar energy transmittance for combination of glazings and/or films and/or shadings).

Investigate the quality of existing advanced calculation procedures in WIS for components and conditions for which no standards exist yet, by comparison with more detailed models (identify problem cases).Classification of advanced window components (e.g. glazings) with respect to which tools needed. Suggestions for appropriate inclusion of more advanced glazing types and routines, identify necessity of further research and tool development.

Contacts with representatives in relevant CEN standardisation committees/ working groups and international research projects (EU Image, IEA SHC Task 18, Revis, Smartwin-II, Smartwindow, Adopt, Altset, IEA SHC Task 27, etc.). Discussion of priority needs for future extensions of the software tool. Stimulation of identification of topics and interested parties for new European RTD proposals.

  • A set of benchmark tests
  • Classification of advanced window components with respect to types of tools needed
  • Software package validated against CEN procedures
  • Topics and interested parties for future RTD proposals.

WP4: Training and education
Leader: Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme, Germany

To set up a discussion platform and Frequently Asked Questions for end users of the WIS software package on the Web-site. To develop instructions and examples for the end users of the software and a course module for students to encourage the use of all its capabilities, to stimulate correct use and prevent misuse.

Description of work/tasks
  • To prepare structure for discussion platform and Frequently Asked Questions for end users of the WIS software package.
  • To update existing instructions for the users, either as context sensitive 'helpfile' and/or as 'on line' help at the Web-site.
  • To collect examples of calculation results which may be instructive for the end users to illustrate the wide possibilities of the software package, to be available on the users platform of the Web-site.
  • To investigate possibilities for building in messages and warnings to guide the user to stimulate correct use and prevent misuse.
  • To develop a course module for students of engineering, building physics, etc. to provide a useful teaching tool to familiarize potential future users with the system.

  • Discussion platform for the users of the WIS software package.
  • Updated instructions for the end-users, either as help-file or at the users platform of the Web-site.
  • Set of examples with explanation for the end users, available at the users platform of the Web-site.
  • A course module for students of engineering, building physics, etc. as teaching tool on the software.

WP5: Exploitation and dissemination
Leader: Energy Research Group, University College Dublin, Ireland

To prepare and organise the free-of-charge distribution of the WIS software package for wide use in Europe, in design, research, industry, standardisation and education and to develop a strategy for longer term continuity.

Description of work/tasks
To make the WIS software free-of-charge via registration on the website (incl. disclaimer, etc.) and making the software downloadable from the website for registered users.

To investigate the request for and the activities and associated costs needed for possible translation of the software in other languages.

Investigate most efficient ways and what sources needed to keep component data up to date in longer future.

Collaboration with other countries with similar activities (e.g. USA).

  • Software package to calculate thermal and solar properties of windows according to CEN standards plus options for more advanced calculations.
  • Web-site with free registration and downloading of the software.
  • Europe wide promotion and distribution among end users (manufacturers, researchers, education, consulting engineers, designers).
  • Plan for longer term future.