The WIS co-ordination team:

The development of WIS is co-ordinated by:
TNO - Building and Construction Research
Delft, The Netherlands

Main involved persons:

Responsibility: Person(s):
WinDat Thematic Network Dick van Dijk
WIS development Leo Bakker (≤ 2003)
Luc Soethout
Richard Versluis
(≥ 2003)

Contact: WIS Helpdesk


Feed back:

All members of the Thematic Network WinDat (see below) actively contributed to the development of WIS, by extensive testing and providing feed back.

Software code:

Specific WinDat members also contributed to the software code itself. In particular prof. José Louis Molina, University of Sevilla (Spain), who was responsible for the development of the routines describing the optical part of the solar shading devices and its new ray tracing module.

Documentation and data:

Under the coordination of the leaders of the WinDat Work Packages and Subgroups a wealth of WinDat end products was produced by the members of this European Thematic Network.

These end products include among others:

  • This web-site with public part for WIS users and an web-based free distribution system of the software
  • Procedures for submission and verification of component data
  • Datasets on glazings, solar shading devices, edge spacers and frames
  • Benchmark tests: data and test results
  • User support: on line help, helpdesk, frequently asked questions, user forum, students' course and user guide
WIS and WinDat (2001-2004):

In July 2004 a major upgrade of WIS became publicly available.
The development of this new version was the focus of the Thematic Network WinDat, a project (2001-2004) financially supported by the Directorate General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission.

WinDat consists of about 40 members and external partners. The members of the network represent the main research teams, industries (glazing, shading, windows), consulting engineers, designers, and persons involved in CEN standardisation, building regulations and education in Europe.

The project was managed by TNO Building and Construction Research, for many years in the forefront of international research in the field of passive solar and window performance assessment and in the development of thermal test methods and computer models.

Original WIS(1994-1996)

The original WIS tool has been developed in the 'Advanced Windows Information System (WIS)' project of the European Commission Directorate General XII for Science, Research and Development (2004-2006), co-ordinated by TNO Building and Construction Research (Dick van Dijk).

The original WIS team included 8 participants in related international research activities (PASCOOL, COMBINE, Characterization of Glazings for Daylighting, IEA Task 18) and standardization (CEN TC129, TC89), thus ensuring the optimum exchange of information. Also involved were key persons in the dissemination of information to building designers (INNOBUILD).

the project The participants were TNO Building and Construction Research (Netherlands), CSTB, Division Aéraulique et Climatisation (France), Fraunhofer - Institut für Bauphysik (Germany), AICIA - Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), EMPA - Section Building Physics (Switzerland), Energy Research Group, University College Dublin (Ireland), Conphoebus (Italy) and University of Athens, Department of Applied Physics (Greece).

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